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…or how to lose your friends for only all of your money. Bad news, everyone. During one of their planetary expeditions the entire crew of the U.S.S. Galactic Driftwood has come down with a really bad case of Collectible Cardgame-itis. The specific strain is Magic: The Gathering, or M:tG for short. Everyone’s doing well, and learning how to handle their new mental compulsions (casting spells, buying sleeves, wondering what the hell that new mechanic is, attacking, blocking, and, of course, losing to the person who spent the most money on their deck). If you’ve never heard of this disease before, check the episode out! We’d love to infect some new… uhhh, create some new players! If you’re already infected / playing, also give us a listen and go back in time to when you were a noob too!

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