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“No llamas were hurt during the production of this film. Just the dignities of all involved.” We here at the Galactic Driftwood Podcast are fans of quality cinema. But, every now and again, we as sci-fi fans have to remember that it’s not all “good special effects”, “quality writing” and “understandable plot” that make science fiction and genre film. Sometimes, it’s just that guy, who knows a guy with a llama. Sometimes, it’s not about the quality of the special effects, but the about maximum amount of strawberry Jell-O you have on hand for fake blood. Sometimes, your budget isn’t set by Disney, but whatever you and your buddies can dig out of the couch cushions. Sometimes, you get Iron Man…and then sometimes you get Llamageddon! So, tune in for our in depth review of this, soon to be, classic science fiction alpaca-lypse!

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