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Test your might! Kano. Lui Kang. Johnny Kage. Sonya. Sub-zero. Dun dun dun dun dundun dun dun dun… You know the song. I apologize for nothing. We’ve got a broad range of topics to cover on this weeks episode of the Galactic Driftwood Podcast. Of chief interest this week are new shows and movies out on the various streaming platforms. We spend some time talking about HBO’s new show, The Nevers (Not the Neevers, Bill) and its interesting first couple episodes. Also new on HBO Max is the new Mortal Kombat movie, which gets us talking video game movies in general. Seth really wants to talk about Resident Alien (streaming on Paramount+) so the cast humors him. And finally we’ll conclude with some alien conspiracy talk around the government releasing some strange footage that might, or might not be aliens. I’d highly suggest joining us for another excellent episode before the Greys take one of us away for “probing.”

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