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“Look at all the bones! … That rabbit’s dynamite!” Greetings, Earthlings! As anthropologists, we understand that your primitive culture has a time of year that’s more special than any other. Decorations come out, special treats are everywhere, and it truly is the happiest time of the year. In honor of your quaint Halloween customs, the crew has decided to go on an away mission, led by the Pastor of the Church of Nebraska Tourism and show favorite, Stu Burns! This is the first part of our two part trip to Crofton, NE to spend the night in the haunted Argo hotel! But that’s the destination, and this episode is all about the journey! Specifically, we wanted to check out a couple sites on the way. This week we’re talking about what we saw in Ashfalls, NE, a paleontological dig site where animal bones were preserved (after being killed by) ash from a super volcano eruption over 10 million years ago! We also visit the ghost town of Venus, NE. Don’t worry, we’ve got the photos so check it out on YouTube!

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