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Captain’s Log, stardate… uh, actually, we don’t have those on Earth yet. So let’s call it Earthday, August 28th, 2022. Number One (aka Linda) and Number Two (aka Josh Caito) and I beamed into Bally’s hotel and casino in Las Vegas for Creation Entertainment’s “56 Year Mission” Star Trek convention. Our last trip to this “Kahn” (as attendees like to refer to it) was in 2019, before COVID, and thus a lot of things have changed! To start with, Creation Entertainment is no longer a member of the Federation (read: no longer the Paramount officially licensed conventioneer for Star Trek). So, what did that mean for this years Kahn? Stream this week’s episode for a full report live from the convention site! Also, learn about a new, little-known, must-see scifi attraction near the heart of the Las Vegas strip.

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