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The OCon Expo is coming to Omaha June 28, 29 and 30th and we’ll be there!

If you’re not familiar with it, OCon is an expo-style comics and pop culture convention held annually in the Omaha Metro. This year the Galactic Driftwood has a booth in the Podcast Pavilion. In addition, we’ll also be recording a live episode of our next podcast beginning at 2:15 pm on Saturday in the Project Nerd booth so come and check it out.

Thanks to Sheriff Hopper, most of us now know that mornings are for coffee and contemplation, however noon is when great OCon panels start! So grab your flashlights, turn on your walkie-talkies, and roll a d20 for initiative… as the hosts of Galactic Driftwood take you back to Hawkins, Indiana and the Upside-Down! Beginning at high noon on Sunday, we’ll be unlocking the curiosity door and going deep beneath the pumpkin fields as we dig-dug up the unanswered questions from season 2 and theorize what we might expect to see in season 3 of Stranger Things. May the Mind-Flayer have mercy on our souls!

Visit the Ocon Expo website to get your tickets and check the schedule for the times and locations of Galactic Driftwood’s activities. We hope to see you there so be sure to stop by our booth and say “hi.”